Update One More Time: The icloud for the ipad is sweet. Now I can use it on the fly. While Dropbox was nice, it is clumsy and this makes Storyist much easier on different mac platforms, like I have to use. Now I keep all the book writing in one place. Thanks to Steve and his developers for at last doing this.
Update: it is syncing better now and seems to sync automatically from Dropbox, but is still a pain to constantly upload to Dropbox, then download to Storyist three. I hope it is updated to sync with Storyist 3, but when the syncing works this is a nice app for book length projects.
Needs ICloud. The Dropbox integration screwed up a project I was working on. To be effective anymore it needs iCloud.
Update: Fix Storyist of IOS7. It crashes every other minute. Arghhhhh......
I bought Storyist because of its integration through Dropbox with its sibling program on Macs and because of its formatting and publishing capabilities. As a writer who does most of his work on iPad and is rarely home long enough to do anything more than an e-mail, it was refreshing to find a program that work on both, integrate with each other, and can make things look professional on both.
While some of the formatting capabilities, such as the ability to do footnotes, are lacking on the iPad version, it is not a terrible bother. Sometimes the formatting from the original templates can be a bear, but I am finding ways around that problem. I wish that there were more templates other than novel, screenplay, and blank. Sometimes the outliner can be a it it screwy and that chapters cannot be moved around on the iPad version is a bummer. There could be more features too, like bibliographies, and so on.
Other than that, Storyist is a helluva writing program for anyone interested in taking on large writing projects. It would be great to have a template designed for non-fiction works or even short stories with the ability to import notes and such. Perhaps that is coming someday. iCloud sync would be nice too. But to tackle large projects from more than one computer, Storyist is the way to go.
Also, if the developers actually read these appraisals, adding iCloud support would be a great thing.
Was hoping for iCloud with new version. Damnit. None. Dropbox is great to store things, but is a bear when working in between devices. Please, iCloud:)
Angrysocialist about Storyist